
instincts vs impulse

Friday, April 22, 2005

Slap On Some Rouge Girls!

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My new fav hangout place on saturday nights.
Gorgeous decor huh..

It's 02.50pm on a friday. Yes, I'm in the office. My boss is out. I have nothing to do. My colleague is trying to order a birthday cake online. I'm doing this. We're bored! I'm bored! And in the words of my colleague, "I'm rotting!!"

Ahh. It'll all end the moment my boss steps into the office with amendments and new jobs...

p.s.: Currently it's in ugly font because I can't find the font thinggy. It's gotta be the Mac.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Laksa Zone

I have a new job. No more standing at the Big Storeroom. Just plain slogging at Laksa Zone. I wake up at 6.10am every morning and reach Laksa Zone at 8.30am. And I thought waking up this early EVERYDAY will be a torment. In fact, it seems ok for now. I am able to jump off my bed(Yes. Literally jump off! Cos without the jump, my head will only end up on the other pillow at the other end of my bed) every morning.

If anyone of you friends realise that I haven't been blogging much, that must be because I face the computer the whole day at work. That's more than plenty of opportunities to hang out with technology. And plenty of finger exercise. Finally, slim fingers are in the pipeline! Reason to buy nice skinny rings for skinny fingers. Hah!

For the past week, I've had so many deadlines to meet I'm drowning in them.

Didn't I just say that I face the computer everyday at work? Today. Is. A. Working. Day. So I faced the computer for the day. So goodbye for now. My computer-facing time for the day is used up.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

excite me

So exciting so exciting.
Tomorrow's a new beginning.