Sharity Elephant
I totally have nothing to say nowadays. Nothing blogworthy.
I'm no more the blogwhore I thought I was.
Sometimes I walk along and think things, and go "Right! This has gotta be in the blog!"
By the time I reach the bus stop, it's byebye brain!
So.. that explains the lack of posts recently.
So.. Mr. Zuko suggested that I put up pictures of these Care&Share people.

Because of the Yellow Box. We've learnt to Care & Share. With many different groups of people.
Come one everybody! Care and Share!! Share your table!
ps: I've tried to blur their eyes hoping no one recognises them. I don't wanna be sued for erm.. whatever. I don't mean any harm. Don't sue me. I'm too broke to be sued.
pps: The Serial Leaning Bus Sleeper strikes again! and i've got evidence. Will post it up when i feel like it.
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