scary mother
I was referring to Miss Mother Nature herself. It's no wonder everyone calls her Mother since she behaves just like a woman. She has mood swings just like us. A moment of sunshine, a moment of rain. And when the natural workings of Earth gets disrupted, she'll go all out to protect it, even if it means wiping us all out. Just like how a mother will protect her baby when provoked.

It's scary to think how a snort of fury from her is capable of sending numerous hurricanes to destroy what we have been building for eons. It's scary to think that her wrath can bring all of us back to Ice Age, all in a matter of days. I am afraid of her. Terrified. I am worried all these will come too soon, albeit the fact that we deserve it for all the depletion going on. Hail the size of bricks in Singapore? No thanks really.
If there is reincarnation, I wanna be Mother Nature next, can? Or maybe her daughter.
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