Indie you Indie me

Oh the irony! Just when you're hating work and contemplating murdering someone, then run to India and hide in Maha for the rest of your life, you look up and you see the poster. Who's fucking with my mind?!! Who?!! WHO??!!!!!!!! Show yourself you ball-less dick!!!!
I am so hating work right now and the pressure's way too high for a ROC girl like me.. I'm hating the options I have. I could stay and remain overworked+underpaid. I could pass her the white funky envelope and head for the other offer. In true OSCK standard, I have always known at the back of my exhausted head that I'll stay and slog my guts out for at least a year more. 2years even, if I evolve into a 'oh-I-love-being-exploited!' cracked-up dude. But like the devil in your head, the choice of throwing the many many jobs on her desk and saying with gusto "I QUIT!" lingers daily. Haiyah! Nevermind lah! Work first see how lah..
On a lighter note, the water heater in the bathroom decided to just die. And it's been dead for 3 days now. Past 2 days, Lovely Mother woke up in the early hours and boiled water for her 2 daughters' showertime. This morning, Not-So-Lovely Mother couldn't wake up. And I had no time to boil the water myself. So I almost died with the heater. Hmm... turns out it isn't as light a note as it should be... Sneezing and trumpeting-sounds from blowing the nose all day aren't that funny.
Ok I'm sleepy. I read what I had typed out so far and nothing makes sense. I must be really sleepy...
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